Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer

Nebraska Denied Insurance Claim Attorney

You worked hard for years to provide for your loved ones, saving money for the time you hoped would never come — a disabling, serious illness or injury.

You faithfully paid all insurance premiums along the way, only to have to confront another challenge: an employer’s or private insurer’s resistance to paying the benefits you deserve.

If your insurance claim has been resisted, delayed or denied by an insurer in Nebraska or Iowa, the skilled lawyers who can handle your insurance dispute are at Rensch & Rensch Law in Omaha.

For the 45 years of our attorneys’ combined experience, Rensch & Rensch Law has successfully handled insurance bad faith legal actions involving disability, long-term care, property and casualty, life, accidental death, auto and homeowners policies. We know the tactics of insurers and their lawyers. We counter with timely, effective strategies of our own, on your behalf.

Contact Rensch & Rensch Law to schedule your free initial consultation. Call 800-471-4100. Your e-mail message receives our prompt attention. An evening or weekend appointment is available upon request.

At Rensch & Rensch Law, We Hold Insurance Companies Accountable

Simply stated, your insurance policy is a contract that your insurer must comply with. The insurer wrote the policy, after all. An insurer that fails to cooperate when you suffer serious personal injury can be held liable for unfairly denying insurance coverage or benefits. This conduct is known as “insurance bad faith.”

Rensch & Rensch Law in Omaha excels at negotiating with and litigating against bad faith insurance practices related to:

  • Long-term disability claims
  • Life and accidental death insurance claims
  • Auto insurance claims
  • Boat insurance claims
  • Fire insurance claims
  • Homeowners insurance claims
  • Property and casualty insurance claims

Rensch & Rensch Law insurance bad faith attorneys understand insurance law and how insurance companies try to avoid their responsibilities to you. We know how to research a claim and collect evidence of an insurer’s bad faith. We are ready to be your voice in court if necessary.

For a free initial consultation with our Omaha bad faith insurance attorneys — at our law offices or at your home or hospital room during your recovery from your injury — call 800-471-4100 today.