Millions of vehicles and tires are currently under recall. Is your vehicle one of them? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a database of vehicle recalls where you can check for known recalls. Your car manufacturer may be responsible for repairing a defective vehicle. However, if your defective vehicle caused a car accident or resulted in an injury to you or someone you love, you may have additional rights under the law.

If your vehicle was subject to a recall and you were hurt in a recent accident or were hurt because of a defective part of your vehicle, you may have the right to seek damages for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. Defective vehicles can play a role in a range of accidents in Omaha, Nebraska. For example, more recent recalls can impact a vehicle’s braking system, which can result in a car suddenly lurching to one side, resulting in the driver losing control of the car. Other, older recalls affect airbag safety. If you or someone you love was hurt due to a defective vehicle, or if you believe that a defective vehicle contributed to your car accident, reach out to Rensch & Rensch Law, a car accident lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska today. Our firm can review your case, help you understand your rights, and pursue your claim to the fullest extent of the law.

How Can Vehicle Defects Lead to Injuries and Car Crashes?

Vehicle defects can lead to car accidents and injuries in a number of ways. Defects can impact car braking systems, safety systems, and tires, all crucial components of your vehicle. Here are how vehicle defects can lead to car accidents and injuries:

  • Airbag Defects. According to the NHTSA, 41.6 million airbags were recalled, affecting millions of vehicles across various makes and models. The defect affects a component of the airbag, that, when exposed to high levels of humidity, could potentially cause the airbag to explode when it deploys. These explosions could cause serious injuries and deaths. Not all owners might be aware that their car is subject to a recall. If you or someone you love was hurt due to an exploding airbag, consider reaching out to Rensch & Rensch Law, a personal injury lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska today.
  • Braking Defects. Recent recalls impact a car’s braking system. In one GM recall, for example, the braking system could decrease in performance over time. CNN reports that 113 accidents were implicated in the recall. Any defect that can impact a vehicle’s brakes could impact a car’s ability to stop in time, which can lead to crashes. If you believe a brake defect led to your car accident, you may want to speak to Rensch & Rensch Law, a car accident lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska today.
  • Fire Risks. Defects involving a car’s electrical system, fluid leaks, or battery issues could put vehicles at risk of fires. Most cars have fire prevention systems in place. However, when a car’s fire prevention system fails, accidents and injuries can occur.
  • Tire Defects. Tire defects can lead to tire failure. The NHTSA has a database of tire defects and recalls. However, if a person is driving a vehicle without knowing that the tires are defective, the tires can deflate rapidly, which can lead to lost vehicle control and accidents.
  • Steering, acceleration, and other issues. A car’s system provides a delicate balance whereby a driver can know what to expect when operating his or her vehicle. For example, when you hit the accelerator, you come to expect a certain amount of acceleration. Any defects or issues with these systems that can cause your car to behave in unexpected ways can lead to car accidents and injuries. If you believe a vehicle defect resulted in your car accident, reach out to Rensch & Rensch Law, car accident lawyers in Omaha, Nebraska today.

These are just some of the kinds of defects that can lead to crashes. Car owners may not always be aware that their car could have been subject to a recall because sometimes car manufacturer letters warning about defects don’t arrive. It is also not illegal for used car dealerships to sell recalled vehicles or vehicles with known defects. If you or someone you love was hurt due to a defective vehicle, you may have the right to seek damages from the manufacturer. Rensch & Rensch Law is a car accident attorney in Omaha, Nebraska who may be able to assist you.

Seek Damages for Your Injuries

If you’ve been hurt due to a defective vehicle, or if a vehicle defect caused your accident, you might be facing blame for an accident that was the result of mechanical failure, and might also be facing high medical expenses, lost wages due to missed days from work, and pain and suffering if your accident resulted in serious and life-altering injuries. You may only have a limited amount of time to make a claim for your losses under the law. Rensch & Rensch Law are personal injury lawyers in Omaha, Nebraska who understand the unique challenges individuals might face if a defective vehicle caused an accident. Sometimes victims are blamed for accidents when their car’s defect is to blame. Other victims may simply not know where to start. Contact Rensch & Rensch Law, car accident attorneys in Omaha, Nebraska today to learn more about your rights and to take the next steps.