If you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle accident in Omaha, Nebraska, your first step should be to call for emergency assistance and to seek medical care for all injured parties in the accident. Once everyone is safe and emergency medical treatment has been rendered, what are the next steps that you can take following a motorcycle accident? Here are some things to consider:

  • Call 911 and Make a Police Report. Always call the police, even after minor accidents. It can sometimes be difficult to assess the full extent of damages and injuries all parties have sustained after a crash, and some injuries, like traumatic brain injury, can take some time before the extent of injury becomes apparent. Always call the police and call 911 following a crash. When making an insurance claim or when seeking damages from negligent parties, a police report may be required to prove that the accident took place. Without a police report, it’s just your word versus the word of the other driver.
  • Exchange Information. Get the name and contact information of the other driver involved and the names and contact information of any witnesses who may have seen the accident take place. Gather insurance information and write down the license plate number and make and model of the other vehicle. Note the location of the accident.
  • Take Pictures. A picture can tell you a great deal about what happened in a crash. If you can, take photos of damage to your motorcycle and photograph your injuries.
  • Tell Your Insurance Company What Happened. Report the accident as soon as possible to your insurance company.
  • Follow Up With Your Doctors. Follow your doctor’s instructions for your injuries. Failure to follow your doctor’s instructions can result in difficulties if your injuries become worse later—not only for your health, but also for the claims process.
  • Speak to a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Omaha, Nebraska. Motorcycle accident victims can face unique challenges when negotiating the aftermath of an accident. The general public can sometimes have a bias against riders, thinking we are daredevils or risk-takers. The reality is that motorcycle riders are often well-trained, skilled, and cautious. Unfortunately, when a driver makes a mistake behind the wheel, the consequences for a motorcyclist can be far greater because riders don’t have the chassis of a vehicle to protect them in a crash. Insurance companies might sometimes be quick to blame a rider for an accident. Negligent parties may sometimes try to pin the blame on the rider. A motorcycle accident lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska may be able to assist you with the claims process, assist you with supporting your case, and help you and your family in seeking the damages you might be entitled to receive under the law.

These are just some of the steps that you can take following a motorcycle accident in Omaha, Nebraska. This is not intended to replace the counsel of a motorcycle accident attorney like Rensch & Rensch Law. Our lawyers can review your case, offer you an honest assessment of your claim, estimate the value of your claim, and help you with the next steps.

How a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska Can Help You

A motorcycle accident attorney in Omaha, Nebraska, like Rensch & Rensch Law can assist you with various aspects of the claims process following a motorcycle crash. For example, our attorneys can review all your losses to reach an accurate estimate of the value of your medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses. Once we have estimated your damages, we can turn to insurance companies and negotiate with adjusters to help your family get the settlement it may deserve. Sometimes insurance adjusters use formulas or other estimates to reach a settlement amount. These estimates may not accurately reflect your actual losses. A motorcycle accident lawyer can provide proof and documentation to support your losses so that you can receive the best possible settlement permitted under the law. Our firm can also fight negligent parties and insurance adjusters to help you get the damages you might be entitled to receive. Insurance settlements don’t always cover all your losses. If another person or party was at fault in your crash, you might be entitled to seek damages from these parties, in addition to an insurance claim. Rensch & Rensch Law is an Omaha, Nebraska motorcycle accident lawyer who may be able to help you with various aspects of the claims process.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

USAttorneys.com can connect you with the motorcycle accident lawyers at Rensch & Rensch Law in Omaha, Nebraska today. If you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident, you might have many questions about what your next steps should be. While it is essential that you seek medical attention for anyone who has been hurt and that you stop and render aid, a motorcycle accident attorney can help you with the next steps, including seeking compensation for your losses. Leave the negotiating with insurance companies and negligent parties to Rensch & Rensch Law today.

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