According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, drunk driving results in approximately 290,000 injuries each year, and another 10,876 deaths each year. Drunk driving crashes are highly preventable. If you or a loved one were hurt in a drunk driving crash in Omaha, Nebraska, you and your family may be entitled to receive compensatory damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, in addition to punitive damages. Drunk driving is a crime in Omaha. When drivers break the law, they not only face jail time, but they can also be held financially accountable for the damage they cause. Furthermore, families may also be entitled to receive money from crime victims’ funds if they have been injured by a drunk driver in Omaha, Nebraska. A drunk driving crash can change you and your family’s life forever. Rensch & Rensch Law are drunk driving lawyers in Omaha, Nebraska who can help you with your claim. Contact our firm today to learn more.

Making a Drunk Driving Claim in Omaha, Nebraska

If you have been injured by a drunk driver in Omaha, Nebraska, you may be entitled to seek damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Furthermore, you may be entitled to receive money for punitive damages. Punitive damages are meant to punish the drunk driver for his or her actions. They are often paid in addition to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you’ve been hurt by a drunk driver in a crash, you and your family may be entitled to make a claim with the drunk driver’s insurance. Insurance claims will generally cover lost wages, medical bills, and other damages, but they won’t cover punitive damages. However, sometimes car insurance adjusters will pay out the maximum possible settlement to help their policyholders avoid punitive damage claims. However, when insurance companies fight victims and refuse to pay out the maximum policy limit or the amount of money the family might be entitled to receive, drunk driving victims and their families may need to take their claims to court. Rensch & Rensch Law are personal injury attorneys in Omaha, Nebraska who fight for families and victims of drunk drivers.

Drunk driving crash claims can sometimes be complex, because they may involve more than one type of award settlement process. There’s the process of seeking a settlement through auto insurance, which involves working with adjusters, and then there may be the additional process of seeking punitive damages to punish the driver for wrongdoing. Contact Rensch & Rensch Law, drunk driving lawyers in Omaha, Nebraska today to learn more about your options and rights if you’ve been injured by the actions of another driver on the road.

What Constitutes Drunk Driving in Omaha, Nebraska?

A person can be found guilty of drunk driving if they are found to have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher. If a driver was operating a commercial vehicle, the blood alcohol concentration limit is 0.04% or higher. And if a driver is younger than 21 years old, the blood alcohol concentration limit is 0.02% or higher. Truck drivers may carry higher-limit insurance policies and there may be more than one stakeholder responsible for a crash following a truck driving accident. For example, following a truck driving crash involving alcohol, the truck company and shipping companies might also all be held accountable for their failure to vet drivers.

When a crash takes place and there are injuries reported, the police will often determine whether one or both drivers should be tested for drinking and driving. Under Nebraska law, drivers who are suspected of drinking and driving are required to submit to a breath or blood test. Drivers who fail to submit to these tests could lose their license. The outcome of a driver’s drunk driving trial can sometimes influence how a personal injury claim will go. However, even if a driver gets their charges reduced by the court, a personal injury lawyer like Rensch & Rensch in Omaha, Nebraska may be able to help you fight for justice for your family through the civil court system. Contact the drunk driving injury law firm at Rensch & Rensch Law in Omaha, Nebraska today to learn more.

Seek Justice for Your Family

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a drunk driving crash in Omaha, Nebraska you may only have a limited amount of time to make a claim under the law. Rensch & Rensch Law are drunk driving injury attorneys in Omaha, Nebraska who work with victims and their families to help them seek justice. Our attorneys work hard to hold drunk drivers accountable for their actions. By seeking damages, you send a strong message to drunk drivers everywhere that drinking and driving carries with it serious financial consequences.

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